
Introduction to Chlorophyll

What is AlfaAlfa ?

Also called Buffalo Herb, or scientifically, Medicago sativa. it contains the highest chlorophyll content of any plant (in fact, it is used in Liquid Chlorophyll, which has a very high nutrient content).

Alfalfa is a name everyone has heard, but few know much about it other than the fact that it's a plant. The alfalfa plant is primarily native to Asia, and is considered to be one of the first known herbs to mankind. It is a member of the Pea family Fabaceae and it is often used for feeding animals as it has the highest nutritional value of all the hay/forage crops. The word alfalfa is derived from Arabic, specifically the phrase al-fac-facah, which literally means "Father of all foods" because it is so rich in essential nutrients. Clearly, ancient ancestors considered alfalfa to be vital to their everyday lives. They used it not just for their own consumption, but to feed their livestock and to better fertilize their agricultural lands due to its abundance of vitamins and minerals. Although it originated in Asia, it is now extremely common in the USA, Europe, Canada.



AlfAlfa’s name is rooted in the Arabic word that means “father of all foods”.

The benefits of alfalfa were first discovered thousands of years ago by the Arabs. They found that when horses ate alfalfa they were stronger and faster. Through this discovery, they added alfalfa grass to their own diets and began to notice -people who consumed it remained healthier than those who did not.

Alfalfa is one of the richest mineral foods known; Alfalfa has been renowned for centuries as the “FATHER OF ALL FOOD”, due to its beneficial effects on health and vitality. The Alfalfa plant is capable of extending its root system up-to 60 feet deep into mother earth, where it searches for minerals and nutrients inaccessible to most other plants. As a result the plant is uncommonly high in nutrients. Rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients

Alfalfa is naturally high in many essential vitamins and minerals, including A, D, E, K, and even the full family of B vitamins; biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and many others, as well as being very high in protein, especially when dried. It is "THE KING OF ALL FOOD"!

Alfalfa contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Inositol, Biotin and Folic Acid, Vitamins C, D, E and K. It is high in protein, as it is a legume and also the minerals Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Iron. It also contains trace quantities of Copper, Manganese, Boron, Cobalt and Molybdenum. Alfalfa contains essential amino acids, which are not made by the body but must be obtained from food sources. Because Alfalfa is so easy to assimilate, it is used as the base in vitamins and supplements and.

Alfalfa sprouts are one of the most significant dietary sources of phytoestrogens, which are beneficial compounds in plant foods that can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis, according to Michael T. Murray, author of "The Condensed Encyclopedia of Healing Foods." The phytoestrogens in alfalfa sprouts might reduce symptoms of menopause as well. Murray also notes that alfalfa sprouts contain compounds called saponins, which can help lower your LDL, or bad, cholesterol while also increasing your HDL, or "good" cholesterol. Saponins might also help boost your immunity.

Alfalfa has up to eight enzymes present that are known to promote biochemical reactions that enable food to be assimilated fully within the body.

•          1. Lipase – fat splitting

•          2. Amylase – acts on starches

•          3. Coagulase – coagulates or clots blood

•          4. Emulsin – acts upon sugar

•          5. Invertase – converts cane sugar to dextrose

•          6. Peroxidate – oxidizing effect of the blood

•          7. Pectinase – forms vegetable jelly

•          8. Protase – digests proteins


The effects of alfalfa on cardiovascular disorders. The study, which was conducted on animals, found dietary alfalfa increased levels of high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol); a reduction in the build-up of fat in the arteries was also noted.

Alfalfa plays a vital role in the strength and growth of our bones and in the maintenance of a healthy body.

•          Legumes due to their root depth are typically rich in minerals and protein.

•          Provides a good range of amino acids.

•          Has an alkalizing effect on the body and digestive system.

•          Recognized for its ‘fat burning’ ability.

•          Recognized for normalizing digestive function.

•          Assists in appetite regulation.

•          An alternative for people with intolerance to grass.

•          Natural fibre to support colon health.

•          Beneficial to itchy scalp

•          Irritable eyes and ‘runny’ noses for hay-fever sufferers.

•          Chronic catarrh and the ‘acid’ taste on the tongue of older folk.

•          Aids protein-digestion.

•          Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels

•          Improves liver functions

•          Relieves pain and stiffness of arthritis/bursitis

•          Alleviates post-menopausal side effects (rich source of phytoestrogens)

•          Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue

•          Natural detoxifier

•          Rich in protein and amino acids

•          Rich in vitamins

•          Strengthens immune system

•          Rich in nutrients


Therapeutic uses

  1. Internal use
    1. Modern research is reported to show that alfalfa is useful as an agent in the fight against
      1. atherosclerosis and heart disease
      2. stroke
      3. cancer
      4. diabetes
      5. endometriosis
    2. It is also used to treat drug and alcohol dependency and since it alkalizes the body, helps with detoxification.
    3. Animal studies are reported to show that alfalfa leaves help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and plaque formation on the artery walls, and these studies have lead researchers to believe that the herb is effective in treating heart disease and preventing strokes, as well as lowering cholesterol levels.
    4. An article in the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" reported that alfalfa helps to bind carcinogens in the colon to speed elimination and is said to be effective in eliminating bad breath, as it contains chlorophyll.
    5. In studies it showed that an extract of alfalfa increased the production of white blood cells, including granulocytes, leukocytes and T cells - which is your first line of defense against infection.
    6. After anti-cancer treatment with chemotherapy (containing cyclophosphamide such as in Cytoxan and Neosar) it was found in animal studies that alfalfa extract completely reversed the immune depression caused by the drugs.
    7. Diabetics that have a problem responding to insulin, have found benefit from using alfalfa and manganese.
    8. The sprouts of the seeds contain phytoestrogen that can help to block the body's estrogen receptor sites, thereby reducing the effect of the estrogen produced by the body.
    9. Alfalfa seeds contain homostachydrine and stachydrine, which promote menstruation and may cause miscarriage. The herb should however not be regarded as an effective contraceptive.
    10. Homeopaths and herbalists use alfalfa to treat anemia, debility in convalescence, feminine disorders relating to hormonal imbalance and menopausal complaints.
    11. Alfalfa contains vitamin K which is helpful to promote normal blood clotting and vitamin K (as K2) has been found to help prevent bone loss which is coupled to estrogen deficiency and also helps to increase the formation of new bone.
    12. The herbs enzymes are also active in promoting food assimilation in the body and although it is used in folk medicine as a treatment for stomach ulcers, it has not been conclusively proven, yet are still used for that purpose as well.


Alfalfa is known to reduce blood sugar levels, and is therefore considered a natural treatment for diabetes.

Kidney Stones:

Vitamins A, C, E and Zinc are proven to help dissolve kidney stones. You can find these vitamins and minerals in Alfalfa powder and Alfalfa sprouts.

Natural Treatment for Hair Loss and Balding: The powder of alfalfa, in combination with carrot and lettuce juice, taken daily, assists in the growth of hair to an amazing extent. The combination of these juices is rich in elements which are especially helpful for the growth of hair and the prevention of hair loss

For those of you concerned about bad breath, this may be the herb for you. As we mentioned earlier, alfalfa is a source of chlorophyll, the active ingredient in many breath fresheners.

Alfalfa is high in protein Alfalfa has 18.9% as compared to milk at 3.3% and eggs at 13.1%. (Muscles are composed of protein and the lack of it results in fatigue and weakness.)


Alfalfa can be used for:

  1. Cleansing the blood
  2. Helping alleviate allergies
  3. Aids in blood clotting
  4. Promotes healthy digestion
  5. Can easy morning sickness
  6. Is helpful in reversing tooth decay and remineralizing teeth
  7. Great source of Vitamin K so it helps improve Baby’s Vitamin K levels at birth if mom drinks during pregnancy (recipe for an herbal tea for pregnancy here)
  8. Supports the pituitary gland
  9. Supportive during nursing
  10. Helps ease morning sickness
  11. Helps ease gout
  12. Aids with all forms of arthritis

Alfalfa is used in alternative medicine to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. The high concentration of alkaloids in Alfalfa makes it useful in reducing blood sugar levels.

It is also commonly used as a blood detoxifier and for any types of arthritis or joint problems. It is a great source of many nutrients and is generally considered safe for children, adults and pregnant/nursing mothers.

The one caution about alfalfa is not to use in combination with blood thinning agents or medications as it is so effective it can interfere or amplify the effects of these.


How To Take

Getting alfalfa into one's diet is not at all complicated. It can be taken in many different forms. A popular way to get this herb into the system would be to drink brewed tea daily. For added benefits and a better taste, a helpful suggestion would be to brew alfalfa tea with another flavored tea, as while the health benefits of this herb are extremely apparent, the taste can be slightly bland. This herb can also be taken in capsule form, in much the same way a person might consume their daily mutli vitamin. This is a great way of gaining all the health benefits every day. Dried Alfalfa is as good, if not better, than fresh Alfalfa so capsules are a great way to take it. Alfalfa can also be mixed in with different foods. Salads, soups, casseroles, or whatever one's heart desires can be made astronomically more healthy without hardly any change in taste. The alfalfa herb is very mild in flavor and because of this, it can be used in many different ways.