Health benefit of Aphaltum

Health Benefits & Uses

Shilajit is generally useful as health tonic or traditional nutritional supplement. In addition to its supplementary uses, it is also beneficial for treating a variety of diseases. In ayurveda, it is widely used for its therapeutic value.

Stress disorders & Anxiety

Shilajit has significant anxiolytic property and anti stress characteristic. Due to this, it is highly beneficial in all types of stress disorders and anxiety. Shilajit contains fulvic acid, which is responsible anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of Shilajeet.

Alzheimer’s disease

Shilajit with other nervine herbs can help in Alzheimer’s disease. The above herbs and combinations also help patients with Alzheimer’s disease under same body type rules. These combinations prevent further changes in behavior and personality and treat all symptoms including anxiety, depression, delusions, mood swings, aggressiveness and irritability. It requires choosing right combination of herbs with Shilajit for beneficial results. Other herbs may also help along with Shilajeet.

Obesity & Overweight

Shilajit is processed with Triphala Decoction to purify it and make consumable for human. This process also increases its anti-obesity characteristics.

According to clinical trial published in Journal of Ethno-pharmacology (1990), 3 months therapy with Shilajit significantly decreases skin fold thickness and circumferences of hip and waist. The effects of Shilajit are also observed on total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. In this study, no side effects were found during 3 months therapy with Shilajit.

Shilajit can be included in weight loss supplements. Shilajit can help obese or overweight people in three ways:

  1. Shilajit provides nutritional support in weight loss and prevents loss of energy during any weight loss program
  2. It also provides support to metabolism and conversion of cholesterol into the bile, which may assist people with obesity to decrease the risk of heart diseases.
  3. Shilajit also helps prevent re-gain of the body weight that you have lost during any weight loss program or weight loss diet.

Dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia & hypercholesterolemia)

Indicated in High Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels

Shilajit has cardioprotective action. It reduces serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL & VLDL Cholesterols and improves the level of good cholesterol (HDL). According to study, 2 grams Shilajit (containing 6.61% Fulvic Acid) per day reduces LDL cholesterol by 22.6%, VLDL cholesterol by 20.6% and triglycerides by 21.7%. Furthermore, it increases good cholesterol (HDL) by 5.8% after 45 days.

However, strong scientific evidences are not available for Shilajit effects in heart diseases, but it is effective in combination therapy as used in ayurveda.


Shilajit is reported beneficial for people with atherosclerosis. Current studies show low-grade inflammation in the blood vessels is underlying cause and not the high lipids in the blood. Deposition of plaque only occurs when inflammatory lesion is present in the arteries.

Shilajit acts as anti-inflammatory and reduces this inflammation in the blood vessels. It also reduces cholesterol and lipids levels, which further prevents plaque deposition. However, these effects are only observable after 3 to 6 months therapy with Shilajit. It also reduces thickness and stiffness of blood vessels and provides more flexibility and elasticity.

Breathing Trouble

Shilajit does not have similar action as other herbs used in breathing troubles have. It may not dilate respiratory tract or provides instant relief in breathing difficulties. It only works when person has breathing difficulties due to physical weakness or frequent excessive physical exertion. Shilajeet provides strength to respiratory muscles and reduces weakness. It makes person capable for physical exertion and reduces breathing troubles. It requires a long-term use at least for 2 to 3 months to get these benefits.

In asthmatic patients, it has similar benefits. It reduces frequency of asthma attacks and helps in obstinate asthma cases.

Chronic Constipation

In chronic constipation, intestines become weak. Due to this, peristaltic movements also decrease. Many patients continue taking laxatives, which affects adversely and lead to chronic and obstinate constipation. In such type of constipation, patient actually requires remedies, which strengthen the intestines, restores the natural peristaltic movements and improves bile secretion from the liver and gall bladder.

Shilajit is also liver tonic, but we do not know if it increases bile secretion from the liver. Further research is required on this topic. However, Shilajit provides strength to the intestines and improves natural peristaltic movements, which help passing stool with ease. These effects become visible after two to three weeks of shilajit therapy. Shilajeet is also helpful in chronic cases of intestinal gas, flatulence, dull type abdominal pain and abdominal heaviness after meal.

Arthritic Disorders

Shilajit has anti-inflammatory and anodyne action, which are more visible in joint and muscle disorders. It reduces pedal edema and mild pain. However, it may not alone effective in all cases of arthritis. Shilajeet is less effective in rheumatoid arthritis, but it is effective in osteoarthritis.

In osteoarthritis, it provides nutritional support to the joints and strengthens them. It reduces inflammation and joint pain. However, these effects of shilajit are not comparable with Boswellia Serrata, which is more potent and effective, but it does provide better support to the joints due to its supplemental property when used along with Boswellia Serrata and Guggulu compounds.

Chronic Dysmenorrhea or Pelvic Pain

However, shilajit does not have antispasmodic action, but it provides strengthen to the uterus and pelvic floor in women. It helps preventing all uterine diseases including dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain. It is effective only in chronic cases. In acute cases, patient requires some other ayurvedic remedies.

Frequent Urination

However, shilajit initially increases frequency of urination, but it is only for a short period. After that, it corrects and restores natural urination process, which helps combating with frequent urination.

High Blood Pressure in Alcoholism

Everything in excess is bad. It is also applicable for heavy alcohol drinkers. Taking too much alcohol increases blood pressure or increases the risk of hypertension in the future. In case, blood pressure is raised due to excessive intake of alcohol, Shilajit or Chandraprabha Vati is good remedy in this condition.

Diabetes Mellitus

Shilajit, a mineral pitch, helps patients with diabetes. However, the claims in ancient texts are not seen with Shilajit available nowadays, but still it is effective for the prevention of strength, reducing the diabetic symptoms, treating diabetic complications and boosting the pancreas function and insulin sensitivity in the cells.

Shilajit is commonly used to reduce frequent urination occurring due to diabetes mellitus. It also prevents leakage of the sugar and albumin in the urine and effectively helps to treat mild to moderate type of glycosuria and proteinuria.

Shilajit also provides nutritional support in diabetes, which improves physical and mental well-being.

Antioxidant Action

Delay aging & Maintain Optimum Health

Shilajit has antioxidant action, which is attributed to its active constituents such as benzopyrones and fulvic acid. Shilajit supplementation significantly increases the level of antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants helps to balance the free radicals and prevents oxidation in the body, which ultimately maintains optimum health and delay aging.

The significant increase is observed in the serum level of antioxidants (Vitamin C, Vitamin E and superoxide dismutase) with Shilajit supplementation for 45 days. Furthermore, fulvic acid in the Shilajit is an active constituent in it, which acts as electron donors & acceptors (bi-directional super antioxidant). Thus, it maintains the balance and reduces free radicals.

Tachycardia and Heart Weakness

The low dosage of Shilajit has the negative chronotropic effect that means it decreases the heart rate. However, the high dosage of Shilajit has the positive chronotropic effect that means it increases heart rate. The mechanism of these effects is yet unknown. 

Shilajit has cardioprotective effects and it provides the strength to the heart and regulates the heartbeat. A low dosage i.e. 250 mg twice daily is recommendable for treating tachycardia. It also improves the myocardial strength and prevents heart diseases, so indicated in cardiac weakness.

Precaution: The effect of Shilajit is dose-dependent. Patient with tachycardia should not take Shilajit more than 1000 mg per day to prevent its negative effects. This dosage is likely to exert a positive chronotropic effect, which will increase the heart rate.

Infertility due to Oligospermia

Shilajit has spermatogenic action. It increases total sperm count and improves sperm motility.

Shilajit treats oligospermia by increasing count and maintaining optimum health of reproductive system. Due to this, it is more famous in men. It also has aphrodisiac action and becomes a crucial ingredient in all men’s supplements.


In Bhavprakash Nighantu, shilajit is also indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids (piles). Because it strengthens the blood vessels and restores their optimum health by acting as a Rasayana (rejuvenating agent). It further reduces the increased pressure in the lower rectum and pelvis due to vata pacifying action. The increased pressure in the lower rectum is the major cause of swollen veins (hemorrhoids). So, it acts on the root cause. Thus, it helps to reduce the swelling of the veins and alleviate the symptoms of piles.