




Cataracts are cloudy patches in the lens that can make vision blurred or misty. They are a very common eye condition.

Cataracts can develop in one or both eyes, and one eye can often be more affected than the other.

The lens is the transparent structure positioned at the front of the eye. It is normally clear and allows light to pass through to the back of the eye. However, if parts of the lens become cloudy (opaque), light is unable to pass through the cloudy patches.

Over time, the cloudy patches become bigger, and more of them develop. As less light is able to pass through the lens, the person’s vision is likely to become blurry or cloudy. The cloudier the lens becomes, the more the person’s sight will be affected.

The Word “CATARACT” signifies an opacity, which develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, as a result of which vision of the affected individual is lost either partially or completely.

Whenever an individual indulges in unwholesome activities like excessive alcohol consumption, strains his/her visual activities then the bodily humor like Vata, Pitta & Kapha gets vitiated & atfirst the quality of vision is impaired afterwards the transparency of the vision zone becomes hazy & ultimately become opaque, this opacity of the visual area is know as “Linganash”, the Ayurvedic terminology for Cataract.




  1. Senile Cataract – which occurs as a natural phenomena due to aging

  2. Congenital Cataract – A genetic disorder where it occurs in newborn

  3. Traumatic Cataract – Opacity of the lens as a result of trauma to eye

  4. Secondary Cataract – Occurring in a diabetic patient


Causes of Cataract


Cataracts develop from a variety of reasons, including long time ultraviolet radiation exposure, secondarily from other diseases like Diabetes, or simply due to advanced age.




  1. u/v protected sunglass

  2. Antioxidant food supplements


Who's at risk

As well as your age, there are several things that may increase your risk of developing a cataract, including:

  1. a history of cataracts in your family
  2. smoking
  3. lifestyle factors, such as poor diet
  4. overexposing your eyes to sunlight
  5. taking steroid medicines (medicines that contain powerful chemicals called hormones) for a long time
  6. certain health conditions, such as diabetes