

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state of uneasiness and distress, or feeling of impending doom, although there is no obvious threat. It is characterized by apprehension and worry. Some anxiety is normal; it becomes a problem when it interferes with normal activities. According to Ayurveda, anxiety is a classic sign of imbalance in the body. Prolonged anxiety, stress, and tension affects the nervous system, and can cause many further complications if left uncorrected.

Ayurveda, the "Science of Life," provides a clear, concise, cohesive regimen to help people correct conditions such as anxiety in a natural way. Yet it is much more than just very effective holistic treatments. It provides a complete system of preventive medicine and health care which has proven its effectiveness over thousands of years in India.


Typical symptoms of anxiety are shown below:

  1. Inability to relax.

  2. Headaches.

  3. Sleeplessness.

  4. Heart palpitations.

  5. Feelings of tightness in chest.

  6. Belching, nausea, occasional diarrhea.

  7. Emotional instability

  8. Tendency to be irritable without an obvious cause.

  9. Tendency to be cry without an obvious reason.

Root Causes

  1. Negative thinking.

  2. General Weakness.

  3. Prolonged Malnutrition's.

  4. Family/Personal Problem.

  5. Fear.

  6. Tension.

  7. Menstrual Disorder for Female

What is an anxiety attack

An anxiety attack affects your body, your mind, and your behavior. During an attack, you become worried and anxious about something you believe will be dangerous in the future. Then your body and mind become focused on this fear.

* You may have physical sensations such as tension, shakiness, stomach distress, or sweating.

* You may find it difficult to stop worrying about this future danger that you are afraid will occur. If you are worried about certain themes such as your health or the well-being of loved ones, it may be hard to focus on anything else.

* Focusing on these concerns, you may prepare yourself either by avoiding certain places and activities, by constantly checking to make sure you are safe, or by procrastinating because your excess worry is blocking concentration.

* The diagnostic manual that mental health professionals use categorizes worried thoughts and gives names to the condition associated with these thoughts. People with social phobias, for instance, fear being embarrassed in social situations. People with a generalized anxiety disorder often worry about issues such as health, physical danger, losing their job, and financial problems.

Herbs that are useful in Anxiety:

Brahmi (Bacopa monniera)

Bacopa monniera (also sometimes referred to as Bacopa monnieri or Herpestris monniera) is a medicinal plant used for centuries in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. More recently it has gained popularity as a 'brain tonic' capable of improving mental ability, anxiety and memory. It improves memory and builds energy by increasing the circulation to the brain.

Aside from increasing intellectual and cognitive function, Brahmi induces a sense of calm and peace in its users. It is unique in its ability to invigorate mental processes whilst reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. This makes Brahmi extremely applicable in highly stressful work or study environments where clarity of thought is as important as being able to work under pressure. Many people have the intelligence to perform to strict standards, but lack the composure and self-confidence to reach them. Additionally, Brahmi helps soothe the restlessness and distraction that nervousness causes. Brahmi is ideal for students and workers faced with this problem.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Stress, anxiety and depression can reduce productivity as worsen the quality of sleep. Effective remedy for all these and other associated symptoms, Alert, restores peace of mind.

It is said that tulsi, when taken internally, can relieve gas and reduce stomach cramps and nausea, headaches, fevers, colds and anxiety. Applied externally, (essential oil), it may be beneficial for tension, cuts, wounds, abrasions, bites and stings and as a face wash for acne.  Some use it in their hair rinse for shine.  Tulsi (essential oil) is also said to be anti-spasmodic and may boost the immune system.

Shankhapushpi: (Evolvulus Alsinoides Linn)

Popularly known to treat sleep disorders - stress and anxiety, Shankapushpi is quoted in Charaka to be the single greatest herb for enhancing all three aspects of mind power -- learning (Dhi), memory (Driti), and recall (Smriti). Thus it is called the greatest Medhya Rasayana (that which enhances the mind). It helps the quality of sleep by improving mind-body coordination. Shankapushpi is very beneficial for the nervous system, enhancing the quality of bone marrow and nerve tissue.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

Ashwagandha is highly valued for its restorative action on the functioning of the nervous system and counteracting high blood pressure. It corrects loss of memory arising out of long term stress, illness and overwork. Restores vitality in those suffering from overwork and nervous exhaustion. In fact, having the ability to nurture the nervous system, counteract anxiety and stress to promote a calm state of mind, plus having powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it is specific in Ayurvedic practice for treating arthritic and rheumatic conditions.

Generally, Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system. It has also been shown to inhibit inflammation and improve memory. Taken together, these actions support the traditional reputation of Ashwagandha as a tonic or adaptogen. It counteracts the effects of stress and generally promote wellness.

Helping People with anxiety :

Talking about the problem This can help when the anxiety comes from recent knocks, like a spouse leaving, a child becoming ill or losing a job. Who should we talk to? Try friends or relatives who you trust, whose opinions you respect, and who are good listeners. They may have had the same problem themselves, or know someone else who has. As well as having the chance to talk, we may be able to find out how other people have coped with a similar problem.

Self-help groups These are a good way of getting in touch with people with similar problems. They will both be able to understand what you are going through, but may be able to suggest helpful ways of coping. These groups may be focused on anxieties and phobias, or may be made up of people who have been through similar experiences - women's groups, bereaved parent's groups, survivors of abuse groups.

Learning to relax It can be a great help to learn a special way of relaxing, to help us control our anxiety and tension. We can learn these through groups, through professionals, but there are several books and videotapes we can use to teach ourselves (see below). It's a good idea to practice this regularly, not just when we are in a crisis.

If this is not enough, there are several different kinds of professionals who may be able to help - the family doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, nurse or counselor.

Lifestyle Solutions :

Don’t procrastinate, hide, or run away. Believe that you have the power to overcome your anxiety. Immediately, it may not feel good to face your fears directly, but if you apply this strategy consistently, it always works.
Often anxiety is rooted in exaggeration of one’s worst fears and negative thoughts. If you are the kind of person who embraces “worst-case scenarios” regularly, you may need a cognitive tune-up. Strategies such as thought stopping might be helpful. Whenever a negative or anxiety-based thought occurs such as “I’m going to make a fool of myself” or “I don’t measure up,” tell yourself to STOP! Stopping these types of thoughts is essential to interrupting the cycle of anxiety. 

Yoga :

Managing Anxiety with Yoga

Before starting your yoga practice to control anxiety, spend ten minutes in the Corpse Pose. Use this time mentally to separate yourself from your experiences of the past, and from the anticipated happenings (real or imaginary) of the future.

Simple Breathing Exercise for Managing Anxiety

Lie on your back in a comfortable place. Breath slowly through your nose. Use your diaphragm to such air into your lungs. Allow your abdomen to expand at the same time. After the abdomen is fully expanded, continue to inhale as deeply as possible. Reverse the process when you breath out. Contract your abdomen while exhaling slowly and completely. Repeat this exercise several times.